Substation Maintenance


Maintenance Inquire

Belwood Electric would be pleased to come and quote your location. Please email us at

During Maintenance

Belwood Electric Ltd. looks after all the odds and ends including contacting Hydro and ESA for you. 

After Maintenance

We will send you a full report of all the work completed. Included in this report will be an oil sample and recommendations on what needs to be updated. 

why yearly maintenance is important


Transformers will self-destruct over time, and failure to conduct regular transformer oil testing can allow problems to go undetected. With proper oil maintenance, however, that breakdown could take several years.Just like your car, your transformer needs regular oil conditioning to rid it of harmful contaminants that could shorten its life.

From these oil samples we can determine how your transformer is holding up and what should be done to keep it working at its safest.

Without maintenance, your Transformer is likely to overheat from the gases and moisture inside. This increases the risk of fire and explosions due to failure.

When maintenance is completed, all systems have been checked to make sure that if a surge was to occur, from lighting or overload, the surge will be grounded properly with no lasting damage to the transformer.